New Moon - Gemini - 6 June 2024
Winter Solstice - 21 June 2024 (6:50am)
Full Moon - Capricorn (Sun in Cancer) - 22 June 2024
June begins with Sun, Venus and Jupiter all having ingressed into the mutable air sign of Gemini. Gemini is associated with movement, information, speed and youthfulness. Its vibrant, moving, curious and heady. Jupiter, while not super comfortable in Gemini, always asks us to step up our information game. He trines with Pluto suggesting there’s something uncomfortable whose time is ripe for acknowledgment. Jupiter seeks wisdom and joined with Venus and the Sun, really focuses our attention on our relationships - the ones that feed us and the ones that don't. The Sun is not only asking for our conscious attention, but is about our personal gravitas – how we shine and how we embody our own true nature. Pluto in the trine, encourages emotional honesty and asks for ownership of the darker elements of our wounds and obsessions. Trines are supportive aspects – which does not necessarily mean beneficial. If our avoidance techniques are supported, well our addictions can take a deeper root. That too is the way a ‘supportive’ or ‘easy’ aspect can play out. The Gemini influence can give us the vibrancy and optimism to leap, but if we only want to maintain an infantile relationship with our shadow or stay focused on all the ways we don’t have what we want, then with this energy we might simply run around whinging and blaming others, scattering the tremendous possibilities available at this time, rather than hone in on what we truly want and make connections that could foster our growth and interest. Taking responsibility is often key when Pluto and Gemini energies are interacting. Jupiter will always enlarge whatever he touches. So what we do at this time will have big repercussions for good or for ill.
Mercury joins the Gemini party early in the month, lending more speed and vibrancy, amping up our intellectual and communicative acumen. The first week of June we can really benefit by making some long term plans. Not anything set in stone, mind you, but sketching outlines. Now is a very auspicious time to pick one or two things to begin fleshing out ideas and game plans on. This has two benefits – it helps to narrow our focus to consolidate that restless and abundant Gemini energy so we aren’t moving in too many ways at once. It will also lay a key foundation stone for the next 12 months. Things seeded during auspicious Gemini times will carry an innate vibrancy and optimism, as well as the ability to make creative leaps. The New Moon falls during this first week when Jupiter-Mercury-Sun and Venus are all huddled together making a game plan. New Moons are times to symbolically plant seeds, and this one sweeps into that Gemini stellium, really making it feel like GO time. Gemini is unafraid of polarity and undaunted by paradox – in fact that is where it thrives. So this energy helps us bridge divides, imbuing us with the optimism that innately arises when we see possibility rather than limitation. The key word for Gemini is curiosity. Remember sharing information and listening are its two separate wings. BOTH are required for flight. Share ideas and then listen to what comes back. Use that as a spring board to see your dream from a whole new perspective. Do you best not be attached to your routines or your patterns. Dare to let go, be curious and explore. Its ok to get lost, Gemini energy will always find a path – probably not the one you initially set out to walk down, but rarely one you will regret taking. Look to the house where Gemini falls in your chart to give you clues as to what areas in your life you need to make YES your default response.
This Winter Solstice finds the Moon in Sagittarius, with Venus and Mercury attending the Sun in Cancer and Pluto opposing Vesta in Leo. The Longest Night is the time of our Solar reset. We begin a new ‘conscious’ pattern. Our Yang or Day self completes a cycle and begins a new one. It is always a good time to pause and acknowledge where we have been and consciously let go an idea or pattern we’ve held. This helps to make room for something new that we can invite in. The Pluto-Vesta opposition emphasizes the need to look deeply at the flame we are tending and be honest about where we might be sacrificing our authenticity for a misleading story of it being for the 'greater good'. It is time to acknowledge how this actually keeps a wider communal dream from taking root. It could also be that we need to own how we have become selfish and petty, afraid to embody our own true desires and so we rebel against things that don't really mean much in the big picture and instead negatively obsess about the success and dedication that shines forth in others. Our lack of personal ownership and embodiment is instead actually contributing to keeping a larger collective evolution from happening. Remember: we are the ones we have been waiting for. Pluto's presence in Aquarius asks that we step fully into our own authority for the sake of the collective. He says "Pick up what belongs to you and carry that. Put down what is not yours." When we carry what doesn't belong to us, it means that neither self nor other can fulfill our life’s contract nor embody our full potential. Birthing a new paradigm, requires all of us.
The very next day, the Moon is Full in the first degree of Capricorn, highlighting responsibility, duty, determination and self sufficiency. With Sun-Mercury-Venus all opposing from Cancer, it suggests we get to have some perspective between the polarities of nourturement and discipline, vulnerability and stoicism. The care we seek to embody, means we must take up the mantel of duty. We actually have to stick our necks out and quite possibly tolerate some discomfort. By month’s end Mars sextiles Venus in Cancer from Taurus and Saturn trines from Pisces. This echos that Full Moon theme. Of course every high vibrational opportunity has an equally available counterpart. So here the garbage can looks like ferociously digging in our heals to protect what we feel is our right. Its that spiritual by-passing that says “I deserve wealth and abundance, so I have a right to do what (ever) I need to do to manifest this for myself”…even if it means ignoring poverty and needs pleading to be heard all around us. This configuration when in its unhelpful expression is powerfully impervious and twists ideas of compassion towards very selfish ends. But why go there? Mars can instead give us drive and will power to build something lasting and actually enjoy the hard work it takes. And Saturn can offer us the wisdom and determination to manifest our highest spiritual aims. While Saturn is in Aquarius the high road is always spiritual adulting. This configuration helps us to put our money where our mouth is and gives us the energy and support needed to do so.