July 2024
Mon, July 15, 2024 at 1:06AM
evolving astrologer

We are well into Cancer season at the start of the month, with the Sun auspiciously squaring the nodes. Cancer energy is about nurturing and creating safe space, though when it's in its unhelpful expression, it tends to take care of others to avoid taking care of itself. When Mercury opposes Pluto on 3 July it will be a day to get some perspective on our shadow. Particularly the ways we bend and twist our thoughts and words in order to belong and receive approval. The questions are: What part of your authentic self are you short-changing to feel part of the group? Where are you in your shadow expression because you are reluctant to speak your truth elsewhere? Use the perspectives those questions offer to plant a seed on the New Moon that reflects an intention of wise Cancer energy of good boundaries and necessary self-nurturement, so that we can show up in compassionate, meaningful and healthy ways for those we love. Mars sextiles Saturn on this day, so there is also drive, courage and longevity available to carry this seed into fruition.

The 13th finds Venus opposing Pluto, so we are still looking at our shadow but this time through Venus’ lens of relationships and power dynamics. Mars moves into conjunction with Uranus (exact on 16th). This conjunction historically is noted for accidents and mishaps, things getting suddenly broken and things getting accidentally pierced. Pay close attention if this is aspecting your own chart directly. Due to the orb of influence, use that entire week to practice moving slowly and methodically, making an added effort to show up in ways that reflect your most rooted aspirations.

This Full Moon is a powerful one, aspecting Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. We are being asked to take stock of how our personal choices manifest in the collective. We are all “influencers”, because we are all connected in a huge web of inter-being. It's not about becoming our ideal and fixing things. This work is something we are doing together with the whole of all creation. Our task is to show up as authentically and compassionately and mindfully as we are able, and to trust that what made us might just know a bit more about how it all dovetails together.


Article originally appeared on Evolutionary Astrology (http://www.evolvingastrologer.com/).
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