... ahh yes, it has been a while since i felt like posting anything... but here now with Saturn moving into Scorpio i feel compelled to at least make mention of it.
Have any of you noticed a different quality to your interactions? Saturn, the lord of discipline entering the sign of hard honest truth... time to face up to things and come clean - mostly internally, but also externally. Well, of course you can choose the harder path. Scorpio is also very good at evasive tactics and Saturn is good at stubbornly shunning all aspects of human interaction (he did eat his offspring afterall).
Where does Saturn fall in your chart - both natally and by transit? Check out one of the free chart sites listed in the links - have a look and then pay attention. Utimately the Universe is trying to help us grow to our highest potential. Maybe you think you have done that work already, or that you aren't ready... guess again.
Trust. Open... and step bravely forward. We are all creating the new paradigm.
Good Luck!