
WOW! The class was so rich that there will be a part II in November! i am already looking forward to it.
We got a good look at two gods duking it out in the heavens (Uranus and Pluto) and the angels providing us all an escape route of their design (Neptune)... if you want to know how this translates into your chart... well, you can contact me or just pay really close attention to what manifests for you over the next several years. Good Luck all!
Reader Comments (2)
Just got your e-mail with my reading. Like wow!!! But I was born at 11:10pm, not 3:10am. I don't know how much this matters. Apologies if I sent you the wrong info!!! Nevertheless, first read through felt like it "rang true."
hey there Gail...
YES it would make a HUGE difference - however, no worries with you, because i DID draw the chart for the correct "local time" (whew! had a sharp moment of anxiety there!).
the time i typed in on your reading was the "universal time"... sorry for any confusion i caused. I will remember going forward to clearly note the local time.
thanks for keeping me sharp! - j