February 2024 Lunations

New Moon: 10 February - Moon in Aquarius
Full Moon: 24 February - Moon in Virgo
Along with the Sun, the New Moon is co-present with both Mercury and Pluto. New Moons are beginning energies – we get a peek into what will unfold for the next Aquarian lunation cycle and put down seeds for ourselves at this time. Pay attention to what comes up regarding standing in your own personal truth and the ways that doing so highlight horizontal rather than vertical power structures. Aquarian energy is always good for teamwork, building community and making change. With Pluto in the mix, we get the added bonus of becoming cognizant of the ways we don't walk our talk. He will always show us the smelly sewage blocking the pipes - both on personal and collective levels. Mercury reminds us to communicate – sharing and receiving, talking and listening. Start as you mean to go on. This lunation squares Uranus in Taurus, so themes of earthly autonomy apply. Think body, land, environment, wealth and health.
The Full Moon finds both Saturn and Mercury joining the Sun in Pisces (so opposite the Moon in Virgo). The ideal is going to seem much clearer and potentially closer to our minds and our egos than it will seem to our feeling and intuitive senses. We can really fool ourselves if we don't ground firmly into our integrity. This is a time when we can spread ourselves thin. Intuition comes from a place lower and deeper than our heads. It pays off to use our intuition to give us perspectives on our cognitively held ideals, lest we yoke ourselves inadvertently to something that is beyond our earthly actuality. Virgo is the energy that bridges gaps, but can do so because it is practical, resource efficient and honest about money, time, bad habits etc. Full Moons are times of releasing, so while it is a good idea to let go of illusions of control and critical judgments, don't simply reflex to 'a flight into light', for it might be more like running straight into the headlights of an oncoming car. A Full Moon in Virgo wants our discernment.
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